Saturday, May 19, 2012

Freebie Friday Hunt!

This Friday, Vershe released an adorable outfit with beautiful skins. I'm really shocked to see such a nice skin for free so big thanks to them for this great skin. You can see  have added lipstick and eyeliner, but it is also great without it. 

You do have to join the group to be able to accept the free gifts. They are hidden within the store til the end of the day. 

The outfit is totally adorable. Who doesn't love watermelons? OMG-When I saw this outfit on the wall I was super excited to get it. Who doesn't love great free clothing. And everyone can use some watermelon themed clothes for sure!

I have the top paired with some capris by Kyoot, I will be blogging these separately soon!

The shoes just speak for themselves. And they have the option of changing your colors to many more. 

Go to Vershe NOW!

Will be up until Saturday Night 12:00 am SLT!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting my shopping on!

Ahhh. This week has been a fabulous one! After Culture Shock opened up and then a new set of things arrived at C88 I was super excited to go grab a few things. Ok maybe a few hundred things, but shhh don't tell anyone. If you haven't already get to Culture Shock and even if you don't buy anything you can see tons of great things and even grab a few gifts here and there. 

But to show off the boots I bought at CS I had to show the beautiful new dress that Shey will be releasing soon. At 599L I think this dress is perfect and to die for!! 

If you haven't noticed yet, this dress is MESH and it's utterly perfect!! It comes in a wide range of textures and patterns for you to chose from. I LOVE IT!

Here are just a few of my favorite designs included:

There are still a few more that are included and I'm really amazed at the choices of patterns and textures. They are great for everyone!

I'm also wearing some lovely hair from D!va that is a free group gift! You can also change the style of short or long to go with what you like. 

And of course I had to add some great jewelry and I found the perfect thing at PurpleMoon and I was sooooo excited to show it to you all. I feel it's a really great necklace and earrings and it just completes the look.

Well I hope you all enjoy this weeks look and hurry and go get ur shopping on!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

More and more!

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by again as I give you some free items again today.

I am super excited for a dress I found this week! It is amazing to find MESH that is FREE!

It comes in even more colors and is perfect for just a night out or a day at the beach!

Jane's as a group gift but FREE!!

I love this FREE jewelry group gift from R.A Crystal. It went perfect with my dress and there are even more free gifts awaiting you!

I was super excited to see -Siss Boom- give out a skin this week, I was even more excited to fall in love with it. How light and realistic it feels makes it a plus, I love the beauty mark as well. As for a FREE gift I definitely think it's a must! (Gift changes weekly get it now!!)

Then we have Mimi's Boutique's lovely skin that has been out for sometime, but with it's look any person would love it for FREE! My favorite on this skin is how cute it makes my nose look. Super excited to have found it! There is even a lucky chair near by with some nice shoes so go quick and grab it!

Also wearing: Flats from Ingenue for just 100L